As governments, schools, and businesses begin closing to inhibit the spread of this new strain of coronavirus (COVID-19), we also want to take a moment to address this issue.

Since cats will still require medical attention during this time, Cats on Broadway will continue to remain open to serve you and your cats’ needs. As a small clinic, we don’t have large crowds at our office; thus, the risk of coronavirus exposure is somewhat reduced. However, we wanted to mention some things we’re doing to keep our customers even safer and more comfortable:

  1. We have increased the focus and frequency of disinfecting the doorknobs and countertops in our lobby and exam rooms.
  2. We happily offer our customers access to the handwashing stations available in each of our exam rooms.
  3. We gladly offer drop-off options for all our appointments to customers who would prefer to limit their public exposure.
  4. We will diligently reschedule your appointment, if you are feeling unwell on the day of your cat’s visit.


Currently, there are no reports that cats (or dogs) are carriers of the coronavirus. However, a healthy person could contract the virus if they touch an animal that has been handled by an infected person. Proper handwashing techniques should be observed after petting any cats or dogs.

COVID-19 is spreading across the world, and these recent closures and quarantines are designed to slow the spread of the virus. While there is no need to panic, we should all be vigilant and mindful of our immunocompromised family, friends, and neighbors. Here is a reminder of the best practices to prevent the transmission of the coronavirus:

  1. Wash your hands regularly!
  2. Avoid touching your face.
  3. Cough into your elbow.
  4. Try to maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet.
  5. Stay home from work if you are feeling ill.


Together, we’ll all get through this. Thank you for your time!